Join the Everywhen Advisory Board

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

The Everywhen Project is seeking experienced advisors to join our team and help us grow and develop our community. If you have expertise in the management of successful 501c3 organizations, creating maker spaces, grant writing, and fundraising, we encourage you to apply. If you are passionate about developing creative communities and support our mission, we would love to have you as a part of our advisory board.

Please apply at or by emailing and let us know about you and your vision for the Everywhen Project’s future.


The Everywhen Project started as a retreat for the Temple Crew at the annual 4th of Juplaya campout in the Black Rock Desert. Our team have worked on numerous temples and art projects at Burning Man, as well as at other events like Transformus, UnSCruz, MPYRE and Catharsis on the Mall.

In 2020, we set out to build the Temple of Everywhen but due to Covid, all events were cancelled. However, we were able to bring the completed parts of the Temple to the 4th of Juplaya and received an overwhelmingly positive response from the community. Encouraged by this support, we returned to the playa in August and had a campout attended by 8000 people. Wow! After coming home and reflecting on that experience, we put together our first board and formed the 501c3 non-profit.


Being a member of the Everywhen Project advisory board is a fast-paced, start-up environment. We seek the fearless, the adventurer, and the one who can manifest reality distortion fields. We'd like to see this in your background:

  • Management of successful 501c3 organizations

  • Deep knowledge of creating maker spaces or managing industrial build sites

  • Direct experience or access to individuals with experience grant writing

  • An appetite for developing creative communities

  • A love and appreciation for the Black Rock Desert and the Everywhen Project's mission to develop and support community

  • Possesses a spirit of adventure and can-do attitude

  • Self-starter

  • A friend of fundraising and running sustainable, off-grid camps

  • Supports the development of sacred spaces and the Everywhen Project's Temple-centric ethos
