Special Items

To make the most of your trip, consider bringing these additional items.
Nourish the Spirit
Incense: Bring various scents, such as white sage, to create a magical atmosphere.
Tapestries & Prayer Flags. Add a celestial touch to your campsite.
Hammocks, Cushions & Rugs. Bring bohemian comfort to your home, and make a space for guests to relax.
Singing Bowls, Herbal Teas, Tarot Cards. Extend the tall tale through an interactive experience. Consider offering teas, creating a sound bath, or rituals. The imagination is the limit!
Fire Dancing? Bring a fire blanket so anyone can put the fire out, in case your hair or clothes are on fire.
Musical Instruments. Build community through music and song
A written intention. Prepare for the magickal journey you are about to embark on
Talismans, amulets, or other personal objects. Helpful in group rituals
Ritual robe or other magical outfit
Yoga rug or mat