"Quality is not an act, it is a habit."

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

Postponing Mojave Beach was a decision that pulled at the Board of Directors' and collaborating partners' heartstrings. After all, we've been working on this production for the better part of the year. "People are expecting a show at least as good as last year's," said Victor Wright, treasurer of the Everywhen Project.

Yoony describing her experience at Everywhen and the Constellation City
"People are expecting a show at least as good as last year's," said Victor Wright, treasurer of the Everywhen Project.

There were 750 tickets at the inaugural 2021 Mojave Beach gathering.

"We could go ahead and hold the event. It will be a 130-person campout. We won't have the funded art that people are expecting... Or we can postpone the event in order to give us more time to fund the art grants," he concluded, as he gazed into the webcam.

The Board had been meeting regularly for the past month; checking in throughout the day, and deliberating at night. When your organization is a charity that gives art grants to artists, we're mandated to execute a show where we issue grants. This year's magic number was 552 ticket sales. The challenge? Pre-funding the artists before tickets are sold.

We met on our final go/no-go date and debated throughout the night and into the next day. Our conclusion: Postpone the event due to insufficient grant budget. We cannot have an event without funded art. Instead, focus next two quarters toward raising art grant capital.

The Pendulum, by Valerie Mallory, was a beautiful piece of art consisting of a red tree/artery with a woman swinging from it. Says Valerie, “The red tree will be poetical metaphor for large veins, or the circulatory system. The piece make that which is private and visceral as the internal workings of the body, a public experience.”

Prioritize Funding the Arts

With art being the integral foundation for catalyzing transformative experiences, the project leadership voted to postpone the October Mojave Beach event. We needed 552 ticket sales.

To prevent an event delay from happening again, the Everywhen Project will be hosting several fundraising events and membership drives in late 2022 and early 2023. If we remove our reliance on ticket sales, we will have more flexibility to fund artists.

Are you an artist, camp or volunteer that would like to co-host a fundraising party? Please contact us. Or email us.

Everywhen Event Budget

Why 552 tickets?

The Everywhen Project is fully funded by event ticket sales.

As a charitable 501c3 organization, our primary mission is to fund artists. We received $87,600 in requested grants. Our production costs are $59,100. As a result, we required 552 ticket sales to fully fund the artists and production. The funds are allocated in the following way:

Click > for further details:

The Streets of Mojave Beach, 2021

Featured Art Grants, Mojave Beach 2021:

In our inaugural Mojave year, we received $95,659.00 in total requested grants. How did we allocate the art grants? Here are several featured recipients from 2021:

Click > to collapse:

A large, temporary camping city with a 35 acre art park

Black Rock Desert, Nevada

Thursday, June 29 - Wednesday, July 5th 2023

Celebrate Everywhen's 4th year at the Black Rock Desert in Nevada! Building on 2022's permitted event, we will fund artists to populate the 35 acre art park with interactive art experiences, and produce a 4th of July fireworks show.

Fundraising events and membership drives in late 2022 and early 2023 will fund the art grants. Ticket holders from Mojave Beach 2022 may camp within or nearby Backstage camp, and they will have bathroom access within walking distance. As the event will be permitted, dispersed camping (a Juplaya tradition) is not necessary within Constellation City.

Shots from the first permitted Black Rock event, Summer 2022:

Have a Mojave Beach Ticket?

Do you have a ticket to the postponed October 2022 Mojave Beach event? Carry it over to Constellation City, or a future event! Please let us know how you'd like us to handle your ticket by using the event manager, here.

The final day to submit your choice is Monday, October 31st by 11 PM Pacific. All ticket-holders who have not responded by then will have their tickets converted to admission for Constellation City 2023.

If 60% of ticket holders donate or choose to forward their tickets to Constellation City, our production costs are paid in full. All additional fundraising will be for art grants allocations.

All funds exchanged with the Everywhen Project, including tickets to private events, are tax-deductible. We are a 501c3 charitable organization, charged with funding art projects and developing vibrant communities.

Unity Temple Build Team - Constellation City 2022

Thank you!

In conclusion, we renew our vow to produce high-quality art events that benefit the artists and the community. Our primary goal is to provide grants to the arts to create unforgettable experiences. We are a young non-profit, and we thank you for your patronage and support.

If you, or someone you know, are able to support our arts-based mission, please consider a tax-deductible donation here.

Are you an artist, camp or volunteer that would like to co-host a fundraising party? Please contact us. Or email us.
