"It’s nice arriving early because it’s so peaceful and quiet."
- Hayley Walsh, Everywhen Board Member
The Boots are on the Ground! The survey crew reports:
"There are no dust storms, cool wind, clear skies."
We're so, so busy with build, but we're taking this moment to express gratitude to the patrons of our humble non-profit who believe in coming together as a community to crowd fund a safe and transformative gathering. Your support allows us to create Constellation City, a geoglyph art project in the Black Rock Desert, representing the Pleiades Constellation. This unique space serves as a sanctuary for the spirit and a catalyst for uplifting the collective consciousness.
As we prepare for our annual gathering, be reminded of our core ethos: Build Community, Nourish the Spirit, Tell Tall Tales, Leave No Trace, and Do No Harm. Each ethos guides us as we cultivate a sustainable, intentional space where art, mythology, and community intertwine.
Don't know what to bring? Check out this packing list.
Join Us!
With the Temple, camping, kite flying, workshops on yoga, meditation, and ecstatic dance, there's something for everyone. Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we’re weaving wonder into the world.
Please buy your tickets and/or donate today!
See you on the Playa!