​Constellation City, a vibrant hub of art, culture, and community, is committed to ensuring a safe and sustainable environment for all.
To uphold this commitment, we have established a set of regulations designed for the well-being of our community and the preservation of our natural surroundings. Adherence to these regulations is essential.
Noise & Lighting
Quiet Hours
Constellation Core: 2 AM to 7 AM.
Tranquility Zone: 10 PM to 7 AM.
Cosmic Carnival: No Quiet Hours
Art Park: 2 AM to 7 AM
Temple: All Times
Amplified Sound
Cosmic Carnival must point speakers away from the other neighborhoods and the Temple.
Speakers must point away from Tranquility Zone and the Temple
No Amplified Sound in Tranquility Zone
Night Lighting
All vehicles in use at night must be adequately lit.
Attendees are required to provide sufficient lighting in their camping areas for safety and visibility.
Art installations must be adequately lit at night to ensure visibility and safety.
Events and performances must be sufficiently illuminated during nighttime hours.